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Bible discussion group

Psalm 122 v1

I rejoiced with those who said to me

'Let us go to the house of the Lord.

Image by Sammy Williams

Are you new to church?

If the answer is yes, there is no need to worry.  We are aware that many people have never set foot in a church in their lives and the prospect of walking into the unknown can be very daunting.  We would love you to join us.   Our church is made up of people from all walks of life. So we hope this page will answer some of your questions.

What is a service?

A service is a time where we join together to celebrate the love of God.  We love to sing as we praise God and this is called worship.  We sing a blend of old and new songs during a service, so hopefully encouraging everyone to be able to worship in their own way. There is also a time to allow us to learn more about how God wants us to live our lives.  This is done by a message (sermon).  We also have times of prayers and times of quiet.

How long will the
service last?

It starts at 10.45 am and is usually finished by 12 noon. Someone will be there from 10am to welcome you, but you can arrive when you like.  Do not worry if you are late, you can still come in.

The Time

Where do I sit and how will I know what to do?

There is also someone to greet you when you come in and you are welcome to sit where you like. If you need help because you have a Wheelchair or a pushchair there is no problem we will help you. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible.

You can participate as much or as little as you wish.  If you like, you can just sit and watch what happens that is just fine no will judge you.

 After the service, we would love you to stay for a cup of coffee or tea so you can get to know us.


What is an offering?

An Offering is normally taken during the service.  It is an opportunity for people to give, if they wish, to the work of the church.  But you do not have to contribute if you do not want to, it is up to you.


All the work and running of the church is funded by the church members and the offering is for just that. Many members give directly through standing orders and do not put money in the collection bag, so you don’t need to be embarrassed to pass the bag on without putting anything in. 

Clothes Hanging

What should I wear?

There is no dress code.  People wear what they feel comfortable in, jeans, tee shirts, dresses, suits, shorts, trainers or shoes.  There is no reason to worry, the people who come to our church are ordinary people; we are not special, we are just like you.  We know Jesus loves us just as we are and he loves you exactly the same.


So come and join us, we would love to meet you.  



Nansen Road Baptist Church

Nansen Road






Telephone: 07759 501523

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